on Britvic Plc (isin : GB00B0N8QD54)

Disclosure on Britvic plc by The Vanguard Group

Stock price chart of Britvic Plc  (EBR:BVIC) showing fluctuations.

The Vanguard Group, Inc. has disclosed its position in Britvic plc in compliance with Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code. As of November 25, 2024, Vanguard holds 13,639,712 ordinary shares in Britvic, constituting 5.48% of the company's securities. This disclosure highlights Vanguard's interest in securities exceeding the 1% threshold, prompting necessary regulatory compliance.

The recent transactions include acquiring 15,840 shares at 12.87 GBP per share, alongside a sale of 1,380 shares at an identical price, showcasing active engagement in the securities market. Currently, there are no existing agreements related to indemnities, options, or derivatives concerning Britvic's voting rights or future transactions.

As of the latest disclosure, there are no new securities subscriptions or relevant derivative or option transactions to report, ensuring transparency in Vanguard's dealings with Britvic plc.

R. H.

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