Privacy Policy

Last updated on 07/09/2024 at 15:52

Below you will find our privacy policy, which contains an explanation of our practices and our commitments with regard to the processing of your personal data.

You will find there in particular:

  • The information we collect,
  • The way we collect them,
  • How we store them and how we protect them.

1 - The person responsible for processing your data

The company SYMEX ECONOMICS SA with capital of 137,700 euros, registered in the Paris trade and companies register under number B 351 410 626, whose head office is located at 75018 Paris (France) – 87, rue Ordener (contact: processes personal data concerning you in relation to the service it offers.

You can contact SYMEX ECONOMICS SA for any questions relating to the processing of your personal data at the address indicated above.

2 - The purposes of collecting your data

Your data is subject to processing because this is necessary to provide you with the services of the company SYMEX ECONOMICS SA and to best manage the relationship with its users, while respecting the interests, freedoms and fundamental rights of the people registered on the WebDisclosure website

The company SYMEX ECONOMICS SA collects and processes your data in particular for:

  • Allow your connection to the WebDisclosure website and the correct display of the latter on your terminal, in order to offer you a functional website adapted to your needs,
  • Receive and process the orders you send to us, to allow you to benefit from the services provided by the company SYMEX ECONOMICS SA.

Under no circumstances will your data be used to carry out commercial prospecting operations or for statistical purposes.

3 - Collection of information

We store the following information on our servers:

Information in the clear (i.e. not encrypted)

  • First name (required)
  • Compulsory name)
  • Email address (required, information verified)

Encrypted information (no one except you can decrypt this information)

  • Password (required)

To note that

  • We only verify that you are the owner of the email address you provide,
  • We do not have the key to decrypt the passwords.
  • The data processed comes from your registration on WebDisclosure and the use of WebDisclosure.


Data collected

Justification for processing

The duration of the conversation

To allow you to access your personal space

First name


Mail address

Password (kept encrypted)

Necessary to enable WebDisclosure to recognize you

Until you delete your account

4 - Access to your data

To achieve the purposes described above and to the extent necessary for the pursuit of these purposes, your data may be transmitted to the following recipients:

  • Authorized persons of the departments concerned within the company SYMEX ECONOMICS SA (customer service and accounting department)
  • Service providers and subcontractors of the company SYMEX ECONOMICS SA (IT service provider)

5 - Duration of retention of your data

The data collected about you will be kept for the duration necessary to achieve the defined purposes plus the legal limitation period.
Your account data will therefore be kept for the duration of your membership.

6 - Securing your data

Our servers run on LTS “Long Term Support” software versions to allow us regular upgrades in terms of reliability and security.

Apache web servers are configured with classic protections, namely:
The <Directory /> </Directory> directive blocks any access to the folder not declared by the Apache user, preventing listing to the system folder.

The Apache version as well as the scripting engine are also hidden with the ServerSignature Off and ServerTokens Prod directives

We have an XSS protection of type Header set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block" as well as in the source code of the application.

We have DOS attack protection “Denial of service attack” set up in advance directly by our internet service provider.
Our site is accessible only in HTTPS with an SSL certificate offering standard guarantees and compatible with all browsers.

The data collected on our servers is encrypted on the client side before being transmitted to us. We have no way of deciphering them and therefore reading them.

We do not analyze our server log files to collect statistics on the behavior of registered users.

7 - Your rights to control the processing of your own data

In accordance with the regulations on the protection of personal data, you benefit from the following rights:

  • Right to information,
  • Right to withdraw consent,
  • Right to object,
  • Permission to access,
  • Right of rectification,
  • Right of erasure linked to data concerning you
  • Right to define directives relating to the fate of your data after your death,
  • Right to obtain restriction of processing,
  • Right to portability of the data that you may have provided.

Your rights

What they let you get

Data concerned

Conditions, exceptions or limitations

Permission to access

A readable and understandable copy of the data we have about you as well as a copy on durable media of this policy



Right of rectification

Rectification, updating or completion of data concerning you


Clearly indicate the data to be rectified, completed or updated, as well as new data if applicable

Right to withdraw consent

Cessation of processing of your data for the future

Information sent via the contact form; comments posted on the site; information related to registration and audience measurement of the Update


Right to object

Cessation of processing of your data for the future

Technical information collected when you connect to the site; data kept for a long period of time as evidence

Explain the reasons relating to your particular situation which justify the cessation of treatment

Specific right to object to the use of your professional email address for “marketing” purposes

Stopping the sending of information relating to our activities and publications to your professional mailbox

Your professional email address


Right to erasure

The deletion of your data, or their complete and irreversible anonymization


See the relevant assumptions in the text above

Right to restriction of processing

The retention of your data without further use


See the relevant assumptions in the text above

Right to data portability

A copy of your information in a usual computer format, allowing its reuse by you or a service provider of your choice

Information sent via the contact form; comments posted on the site; information related to registration and measurement of the audience of the Update

Clearly indicate, where applicable, the identity of the person or organization to whom you wish us to send the copy of the data

Right to define directives relating to the fate of your data after your death

Respecting your “last wishes” regarding your personal data (for example: their deletion or transmission to any person of your choice)


Clearly indicate the people responsible for monitoring the proper execution of your instructions, who will be your contacts after your death

To exercise your rights, simply write:

  • By post to the following address: 87, rue Ordener – 75018 Paris (France)
  • By email to the following address:

By indicating your first and last name, email address, postal address and, if possible, your customer reference. Your request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document.

A response will be sent to you as soon as possible and no later than one month after receipt of your request.

If our response does not satisfy you, you can also lodge a complaint with the CNIL – 3, place de Fontenoy, TSA 80 715 – 75334 Paris cedex 07 (telephone 01 53 73 22 22).

8 - Management of cookies by the customer

To allow users of the site to benefit from the services offered by it and to optimize its use, the site uses cookies.

You can manage and modify the use of cookies at any time following the possibilities set out in our cookies policy, available on the site
We strongly recommend that you review our cookies policy .