Haulotte: 2023 annual results marked by record activity and an increasing operating margin

Turnover up 28%, operating margin at 4.0% of sales

By Rémy EISENSTEIN - The Haulotte group achieved a historic turnover of 767 million euros in 2023, up 28% compared to the previous year. This performance was driven by strong growth in volumes sold, particularly in North America, and the positive impact of sales price increases.

Current operating margin before foreign exchange gains and losses reached 4.0% of sales, up €36 million compared to 2022. This improvement was driven by the positive effects of sales price increases and growth volumes sold.

The group's net profit stood at 0, negatively impacted by a very unfavorable exchange rate environment (-17 million euros) and a significant increase in the cost of debt (-10 million euros). Net debt was reduced by 6 million euros to 240 million euros.

For 2024, Haulotte forecasts stable turnover and a current operating margin close to 5% of its turnover. It will be proposed to the General Meeting of May 23 not to distribute a dividend.