on Peugeot Invest (EPA:PEUG)

Peugeot Invest: Update of the Number of Shares and Voting Rights

Stock price chart of Peugeot Invest (EPA:PEUG) showing fluctuations.

Peugeot Invest, a company based in Neuilly-sur-Seine, has published its report on the number of shares and voting rights for the months of October and November 2024. This press release concerning the regulated market Eurolist, compartment B, specifies the stability of the total number of shares, remaining at 24,922,589 for the two months.

In terms of voting rights, the gross number is 45,005,245 in October and 45,005,823 in November. The net number, which excludes shares deprived of voting rights, is 44,887,495 for October and 44,887,707 for November.

Peugeot Invest's statutes include a declaration clause requiring notification in the event of specific thresholds being exceeded, in particular if the capital or voting rights see a significant change.

R. E.

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