Sopra Steria Capital Markets Day 2024: Objectives and Strategies

Stock price chart of SOPRA GROUP (EPA:SOP) showing fluctuations.

Sopra Steria, a major player in European tech, has launched its Capital Markets Day 2024 in Paris. The event, accessible live via their website, offers a clear vision of the company's ambitions. Sopra Steria plans to assert its European leadership and position itself as a credible alternative to global giants. Among its strategic axes, the group wishes to develop a strong footprint in critical sectors such as defense, finance and aeronautics, while promoting responsible digital technology.

By 2028, Sopra Steria plans to exceed €7 billion in revenue, with targeted growth of around 6% per year. The company also aims to strengthen its presence in Europe and develop its consulting business. New technologies are expected to represent 60% of its revenue. Financial targets include an operating margin rate of between 10% and 11% and a return on capital employed before tax of around 20%.

R. H.

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