Veolia's Successful EUR 500 Million Bond Issuance

Stock price chart of VEOLIA (EPA:VIE) showing fluctuations.

Veolia has announced the successful issuance of a EUR 500 million bond, maturing in January 2031, capitalizing on the recent decline in long-term interest rates. The bonds were issued at par with a 2.974% coupon rate.

The issuance attracted approximately 200 orders, totaling over EUR 3.6 billion. This strong demand allowed Veolia to optimize financial conditions, resulting in a transaction with no new issue concession. The high oversubscription rate indicates a positive perception of Veolia's credit quality and financial performance.

Emmanuelle Menning, Deputy CEO Finance and Purchasing, highlighted the company's strategic move to leverage favorable market conditions for partial 2025 refinancing. The market's response underscores Veolia's standing in ecological transformation and its strength in water, energy, and waste sectors.

R. P.

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