CREDIT AGRICOLE SA : Crédit Agricole S.A. annonce la signature d’un accord en vue de l’acquisition de la participation de 30,5% de Santander dans CACEIS, sa filiale d’asset servicing, visant à porter sa participation à 100%
Crédit Agricole S.A. acquiert 30,5% de Santander dans CACEIS, sa filiale d'asset servicing, renforçant ainsi sa participation à 100% et consolidant sa position en Europe -
Credit Agricole Sa: Crédit Agricole S.A. has signed an agreement for the acquisition of Santander’s 30.5% stake in CACEIS, its asset services provider, aiming to bring its ownership to 100%
Crédit Agricole S.A. to acquire Santander's 30.5% stake in CACEIS, aiming for 100% ownership, strengthening its position in asset servicing and expanding client base through strategic acquisitions -
CREDIT AGRICOLE SA: Olivier Gavalda appointed Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole S.A.
Olivier Gavalda appointed Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole S.A. following unanimous decision by the Board of Directors. Transition to be completed by General Shareholders' Meeting in May 2025 -