from AMA Corporation (EPA:ALAMA)

AMA: Revenues for the 4th quarter and the full year 2024


Press release

imageimageRennes, France – January 31 2025 at 8:00 am CET

AMA: Revenues for the 4th quarter and the full year 2024

A year of transformation to bring artificial intelligence  to the service of assisted reality

As it publishes its 2024 revenue, AMA CORPORATION PLC (Euronext Growth Paris, ISIN GB00BNKGC5 - mnemo ALAMA), a global leader in productivity solutions for the connected frontline workforce, reports on its strategic advances in artificial intelligence to relaunch growth.

In the context of an assisted reality market that is struggling to grow beyond the already well-integrated uses of key accounts, AMA's loyal customers, the Group has been focusing its R&D on artificial intelligence (AI) since mid-2022. Thanks to innovations launched gradually from the 2nd half of 2024, its XpertEye solution has been enriched with several AI-automated functionalities. These bring new use cases in the fields of remote assistance, audit and inspection, customer service, training, telemedicine and security. AMA has obtained its ISO 27001 re-certification, testifying to its ongoing commitment to data security. 

Given this context of transformation, AMA achieved consolidated revenues at constant exchange rates of €2.5 million, compared with €3.0 million in 2023. The annual decrease is -16%, with an improvement between the 1st half at -22% and the 2nd at -9%. This momentum is the result of the first revenues from AI and the sale of R&D services as part of the development of an innovative solution in partnership with Drone Act and a distributor of cutting-edge security equipment and technologies. At the end of 2024, AMA has 389 active customers and a churn rate limited to 9% of sales, stable compared with 2023.

Enhanced by AI, XpertEye now makes it possible to:

•       Improve the efficiency of field workers: securely collect and centralize essential information, to ensure that the latest data is made available and best practices are applied.

•       Use multilingual, multi-user translation in real time: communication through speech-to-text (subtitles) and speech-to-speech translation options.

•       Access information in seconds with a multilingual AI assistant: leveraging corporate data with video search, optimized by AI for accurate, contextualized results.

•       Reach full anonymization: protecting people's privacy by blurring their bodies while preserving essential information, such as hand movements and objects held.

•       Create automatic report: generation of reviews and reports from XpertEye sessions, with the option of customizing prompts and reports to meet customer needs.

•       Customize XpertEye: compatibility with a number of LLMs best suited to customer needs, and integration with a wide range of applications.

AMA will publish its annual results for 2024 and its outlook for 2025 on April 30, 2025.


Unaudited consolidated revenues, IFRS,  in million euros, at constant exchange rate



Change in %

1st quarter




2nd quarter




First half year




3rd quarter




4rd quarter




Second half year




Total fiscal year




Next financial publication

2024 earnings and First quarter 2025 revenues: April 30, 2025 (after the market)  


À propos d’AMA

AMA provides a powerful and secure productivity application, designed to elevate frontline worker’s performance. Our mission is to transform how organizations operate by leveraging advanced technologies such as assisted Reality (aR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enable collaboration, streamline data collection, and enhance knowledge sharing.

We are proud to be B Corp certified, affirming our dedication to meeting the highest social and environmental performance standards, transparency, and accountability. Our commitment to excellence is further demonstrated by our ISO27001 certification, ensuring the highest level of information security management.

Our global presence enables us to reach customers across all time zones and geographic locations, providing consistent support and expertise wherever needed.

AMA is listed on Euronext Growth Paris (GB00BNKGZC51 - ALAMA). For more information, visit

Disclaimer: This press release contains statements that are not historical facts, including, but not limited to, statements regarding future results and other future events. These statements are based on the current vision and assumptions of AMA Corporation PLC's management. They involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, profitability or events to differ materially from those anticipated. In addition, AMA Corporation PLC, its shareholders and its respective affiliates, directors, officers, advisors and employees have not verified the accuracy of, and make no representations or warranties regarding, any statistical information or forward-looking information contained in this release that originates or is derived from third-party sources or industry publications. Such statistical data and forward-looking information are used in this press release for information purposes only.


Investor relations and financial media                                                                  Corporate press

Isabelle Chevalier, CFO - +33 223 441 339 –  Esther Duval - +33 689 182 343 Marie Calleux, Calyptus - +33 609 685 538 -     


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