AMOEBA announces the beginning of construction of its USIBIAM biocontrol plant in Cavaillon

AMOEBA announces the beginning of construction of its USIBIAM biocontrol plant in Cavaillon


Chassieu (France), October 12, 2023 - 08h45 - AMOÉBA (FR0011051598 – ALMIB) a pre-

commercialization* industrial biotech specializing in the treatment of microbiological risk, developing a biocontrol agent for the treatment of plants in agriculture and a biological biocide, and having obtained a marketing authorization in the USA for its biological biocide for use in closed cooling systems and a marketing authorization in the USA for its first biocontrol product (100% active substance), announces the start of work on the USIBIAM industrial project in Cavaillon on schedule.

A few weeks after the signing of the deed of sale on September 26 (cf. press release dated 22/09/2023), construction work on the USIBIAM (Usine Biocontrôle Amoéba) industrial project, supervised by GSE engineers, began in October and is scheduled to last until the end of 2024. The construction site has already mobilized a number of local companies: TPK (sanitation), Provençale de TP (earthworks and preparatory work), EBI Construction (masonry), Alpes Contrôles and Face. 

Located in the heart of the Zone d'Activité des Hauts Banquets (Cavaillon, 84), this modern, ecoresponsible industrial site will produce Amoéba's biocontrol agent, with a view to its commercial launch in 2025. Through its ambitious industrial project, Amoéba aims to reach an annual production capacity of 40 tonnes of active substance, guaranteeing the treatment of 100,000 hectares of agricultural soils.


A ceremony attended by local elected officials

To commemorate the start of this major project, on Tuesday October 10, 2023, Fabrice Plasson, CEO of Amoéba, joined by Roland Paul, President of GSE, Gérard Daudet, Mayor of Cavaillon and President of LMV Agglomération, Cathy Fermanian, Managing Director of Vaucluse Provence Attractivité, Bénédicte Martin, Vice-President of the SUD PACA Region and Christian Guyard, General Secretary of the Vaucluse Prefecture, have laid the foundation stone for Amoéba's biocontrol plant. 


The event, attended by local politicians, representatives of local authorities, the regional press and the project's technical partners, was an opportunity for Amoéba to present its ambitions and commitments on a large scale in its new location. 

"Seven years after the inauguration of the Chassieu industrial R&D center, the laying of the foundation stone for the USIBIAM industrial site marks the start of a great adventure for Amoéba: the reindustrialization of France through innovation. At the heart of France's first low-carbon urban development zone, USIBIAM will be a leading example of naturalness at the service of the agricultural and food transition. We are delighted to be setting up in Vaucluse, in the heart of the Southern Region, and to celebrate this major milestone alongside our elected representatives and partners, who are collectively contributing to the success of Amoéba's project", says Fabrice Plasson, Chairman and CEO of Amoéba.


More information about USIBIAM project on Amoéba’s website «Industrial Project


This project is supported by France 2030.





About AMOÉBA: 

Amoéba's ambition is to become a major player in the treatment of microbiological risk in the water, plant protection and health sectors. Based on the natural properties of the amoeba Willaertia magna C2c Maky, our biological solution is a viable alternative to the chemical products widely used in the industry today. Amoeba is currently focused on the closed system industrial cooling tower market in the United States estimated at €200 million (1) and on the global biocontrol market for plant protection estimated at €3 billion (2), out of a global market for chemical fungicides estimated at €21 billion (3). The commercialization of the associated biocides and phytosanitary products is subject to local regulatory approvals. 

*At the end of 2022, Amoeba obtained approval of its active substance for biocidal use in closed cooling system and for biocontrol use in the United States. The substance has also been recommended for biocontrol use in Europe by the Austrian authority in the same year. The company is currently in a pre-commercialization phase for biocidal and plant protection applications and is expected to market its products by 2025. Founded in 2010 and based in Chassieu (Lyon, France), Amoéba is listed on Euronext Growth. The Company is a member of the BPI Excellence network and is eligible for the PEA-PME scheme. For more information, please visit  (1): Amoéba data 

(2): IBMA data

(3): Amoeba data 


About GSE: 

Since it was founded in 1976, GSE has become the benchmark Global Contractor for the complete management of construction projects (from the financial package, land search and qualification, technical studies, design/realization to after-sales service), and is contractually committed to price, deadline and quality of work. The GSE Group currently employs 410 people in eight countries in Europe and China, and builds industrial, logistics, service, commercial and leisure buildings, with sales of around 570 million euros in 2018.

About VPA: 

Vaucluse Provence Attractivité (VPA) is a consortium of local authorities, chambers of commerce and private and public organizations, supported by the South of France region. Its mission is to raise the profile and influence of the Vaucluse region, both in France and internationally, in order to attract tourists, talent and investors. With the aim of promoting and strengthening ecosystems of excellence, VPA identifies, supports and accelerates the establishment of new companies throughout the Vaucluse region, thanks to the support of its many partners. 

About LMV : 

Gérard Daudet, President of Luberon Monts de Vaucluse, and all the elected representatives of the

Agglomération, have high strategic stakes in the economic development of their region. The 45-hectare Hauts Banquets business park in Cavaillon is part of the Opération d'Intérêt Régional Naturalité (OIR) strategy. It is home to high value-added companies such as Amoéba, and promises to create 1,500 jobs in the long term. In addition to its ambitions in terms of economic development and attractiveness, this sustainable business park is also committed to the Parc + label, awarded by the SUD Region, which rewards the most environmentally virtuous projects.






Jean-François DOUCET

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This press release contains certain forward-looking statements concerning AMOEBA which are based on its own assumptions and hypothesis and on information that are available to us. However, AMOEBA gives no assurance that the estimates contained in such forward-looking statements will be verified, which estimates are subject to numerous risks including the risks set forth in the reference document of AMOEBA filed with the French Financial Markets Authority

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