AMOEBA: Publication of a scientific paper concerning the efficacy of its biocontrol products to fight tomato late blight and powdery mildews of tomato

AMOEBA: Publication of a scientific paper concerning the efficacy of its biocontrol products to fight tomato late blight and powdery mildews of tomato


Chassieu (France), October 18, 2023 - 17h45 - AMOÉBA (FR0011051598 – ALMIB) an industrial biotech in pre-commercialization* specialised in the treatment of microbiological risk, developing a biocontrol agent for the crop treatment in agriculture that has obtained a marketing authorization in the United States and a biological biocide that has also obtained a marketing authorisation in the United States for use in closed cooling systems, announces the publication of a third peer-reviewed scientific article on its biocontrol application in the special "Biological Control of Plant Diseases II" issue of Plants, a journal of the MDPI group.

This paper ( presents, for the first time to the international scientific community, the efficacy of Amoéba's biocontrol products based on the lysate of the non-pathogenic amoeba Willaertia magna C2c Maky on tomato late blight and powdery mildews of tomato. As with grapevines and potatoes, scientific data on this newly-tested crop show: 


•       An indirect effect via stimulation of the plant's natural defenses by the active substance and the formulated product, AXPERA EVA. 

•       Field efficacy against the pathogens Phytophtora infestans, responsible for tomato late blight; Oidium neolycopersici, responsible for external powdery mildew of tomato; and Leveillula taurica, responsible for inside powdery mildew of tomato.

The data were collected from trials carried out by independent contractors. As tomatoes were grown both in the greenhouse and in the field, the use of AXPERA EVA was validated for both cultivation methods during the 2022 trial campaign.  Results show that the amoeba lysate of Willaertia magna C2c Maky, a naturally-occurring product, protects tomatoes against both late blight and powdery mildews, with efficacy of up to 97% on leaves and 100% on fruit.

          : @AmoebaNature



Legend: On the left untreated control, on the right treated with AXPERA EVA

This third scientific article in the field of plant protection, dealing with the efficacy of our biocontrol solution against late blight and powdery mildews in tomatoes, is part of an ongoing effort to increase scientific knowledge of the amoeba Willaertia magna C2c Maky. The data collected confirm the high potential of this amoeba lysate as a plant protection agent. We are continuing our R&D operations and tests on other crops, the results of which will also be the subject of new publications" declares Dr Sandrine Troussieux, chief scientific officer at Amoéba.




About AMOÉBA: 

Amoéba's ambition is to become a major player in the treatment of microbiological risk in the water, plant protection and health sectors. Based on the natural properties of the amoeba Willaertia magna C2c Maky, our biological solution is a viable alternative to the chemical products widely used in the industry today. Amoeba is currently focused on the closed system industrial cooling tower market in the United States estimated at €200 million (1) and on the global biocontrol market for plant protection estimated at €3 billion (2), out of a global market for chemical fungicides estimated at €21 billion (3). The commercialization of the associated biocides and phytosanitary products is subject to local regulatory approvals. 

*At the end of 2022, Amoeba obtained approval of its active substance for biocidal use in closed cooling system and for biocontrol use in the United States. The substance has also been recommended for biocontrol use in Europe by the Austrian authority in the same year. The company is currently in a pre-commercialization phase for biocidal and plant protection applications and is expected to market its products by 2025. Founded in 2010 and based in Chassieu (Lyon, France), Amoéba is listed on Euronext Growth. The Company is a member of the BPI Excellence network and is eligible for the PEA-PME scheme. For more information, please visit 

(1): Amoéba data 

(2): IBMA data

(3): Amoeba data 


          : @AmoebaNature




Jean-François DOUCET

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image : @AmoebaNature

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