CHARGEURS - Outstanding commercial momentum for Chargeurs Museum Studio

Outstanding commercial momentum for Chargeurs Museum Studio

Confirmed order book exceeding €300 million

•      During this first half of the year, the teams at Chargeurs Museum Studio (CMS) were particularly proactive, positioning themselves for all significant tender opportunities

•      Business expansion in the United States continued, with the award of a highly significant contract in Texas, which strengthen CMS’s excellent order book visibility over the next five years

•      A confirmed order book of €300 million to date, equivalent to two years of 2024 expected revenue

•      Growth is also accelerating throughout the Middle East and Asia: o In the Middle East, Chargeurs Museum Studio has signed major contracts for the creation of thematic museums, notably in Saudi Arabia

o In Asia, the business line continued to expand, notably with the signing of a contract in Vietnam. Negotiations are also well advanced for the creation of several museums in Southeast Asia, which will showcase the full range of Museum Studio's expertise in the region 

•      In Europe, Chargeurs Museum Studio continues to focus on high value-added projects, with the highly successful Cézanne-Renoir Exhibition produced in Milan by Museum Studio

•      This dynamic is underpinned by the creative talent of CMS teams, combining artistic and technological innovation, as well as their technical expertise in the execution of complex projects. The newly secured contracts enhance the visibility and positive momentum already generated by the numerous ongoing projects at Museum Studio 

•      The new projects will bear fruit mainly in 2025, 2026 and beyond, but the ongoing portfolio confirms the €150 million revenue forecast for 2024

•      With its strengthened positions, CMS is ideally positioned to fully capture the high value-added museum development market, estimated to be worth close to a billion euros over the next five years

Michaël Fribourg, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Chargeurs, commented: “In a context of strong business momentum across all Group's business lines, and the confirmed recovery of Novacel (Chargeurs Advanced Materials), the very strong growth of Chargeurs Museum Studio’s order book reflects a change in dimension for the business line, and fully validates our business model. We intend to pursue our worldwide commercial expansion, to offer our customers an ever-expanding range of services, and to set new revenue and profitability records.

Delphine de Canecaude, Managing Director of Chargeurs Museum Studio, commented: "I congratulate all Museum Studio’steams, who rallied together to win the projects on which we were competing. These successes illustrate the relevance of our global service offering, the most comprehensive on the market, as well as the creative talent and technical know-how of our teams. By combining our expertise in cultural engineering with our ability to integrate the most advanced technologies, we are helping to redefine the experience of museums and cultural spaces. Thanks to our collective talents, we are renewing the art of storytelling to better connect audiences with their history."

Firmly established on the East Coast of the United States, Chargeurs Museum Studio's American subsidiary is successfully expanding throughout the States

During the first half of the year, the American team at Chargeurs Museum Studio continued to expand their activities. The United States is a major breeding ground for cultural projects. In many states, many cultural institutions are looking to create new state-of-the-art museums, or rejuvenate their iconic ones, to increase attendance by offering a more modern and enhanced visitor experience. Chargeurs Museum Studio knows how to meet this growing demand, thanks to innovative solutions integrating the latest technologies augmented reality, interactive devices - and serving the cultural universe.

A number of projects recently won by Chargeurs Museum Studio in the United States aim to revitalize historic sites that played a crucial role in the great epics of American history, transforming them into cultural, entertaining and educational venues. The scope of these large-scale projects means that Museum Studio will be committed to them for at least five years, helping to sustain the business lines'order book and future revenues.

In the Middle East and Asia, Chargeurs Museum Studio continues to conquer new growth markets

Chargeurs Museum Studio is firmly established in Saudi Arabia, notably through two major development projects: the historic city of Diriyah and the support of six regional museums. These projects, which are constantly evolving, are part of a multi-year service offering.

The joint venture set up in Saudi Arabia with leading local partners, Knowliom and Zamil Group Trade & Services Co., is now fully operational. It will give Chargeurs Museum Studio access to new projects throughout the region. 

In Southeast Asia, an emerging market with strong potential for the creation of cultural spaces dedicated to the transmission of local cultural heritage, Chargeurs Museum Studio is finalizing the signature of two major projects in Vietnam, which will showcase the full range of its expertise in the region.

Chargeurs Museum Studio consolidates its position in Europe

In addition to its reputation as a publisher of art books, the Italian company Skira has made a name for itself in the design and production of major cultural exhibitions. The exhibition devoted to Paul Cézanne and Pierre-Auguste Renoir at the Palazzo Reale in Milan was a resounding success, with almost 150,000 visitors.

Skira pursues its development, winning the tender to create a new collection of art books for the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Culture. Most recently, the publishing house won the contract to manage the store of Turin's National Automobile Museum - MAUTO.

2024 financial calendar

Thursday, September 5, 2024 (before market opens)                                                    First-half 2024 Results            



 CHARGEURS is a diversified international holding company, world leader in high value added niche industrial and service  markets. Active in nearly 100 countries with around 2,300 employees, the Group relies on the long-term commitment of Groupe

 Familial Fribusiness segments: Technologies and Luxury. Chargeurs, whose global signature is High Emotion Technology, achieved bourg, an invested and committed controlling shareholder, and on its portfolio of assets organized into two strategic  revenues of €653.2 million in 2023.

The Chargeurs share is listed on Euronext Paris and is PEA-PME eligible. 

ISIN Code: FR0000130692, Bloomberg Code: CRI:FP, Reuters Code: CRIP.PA

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