COGELEC : Statement on the total number of shares and voting rights.
Mortagne-sur-Sèvre, France, on 12 March, 2025
Limited company with share capital of: €4,004,121.60
Head Office: 370 rue de Maunit - ZI de Maunit
85290 Mortagne-sur-Sèvre France
433 034 782 R.C.S. La Roche-sur-Yon
Statement on the total number of shares and voting rights provided for by
Article L. 233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and in compliance with
Article 223-16 of the General Regulation of the Financial Markets Authority
(Autorité des marchés financiers)
Statement as of February 28, 2025
Date | Total number of shares | Total number of voting rights exercisable at the shareholders' meetings |
February 28, 2025 | 8,898,048 | 13,646,940 |
Number of outstanding shares comprising the share capital | 8,898,048 |
Number of shares with double voting rights attached | 5,348,368 |
Total number of theoretical voting rights | 14,246,416 |
Number of shares deprived of voting rights | 599,476 |
Total number of exercisable voting rights | 13,646,940 |
Trading place: Euronext Growth of Paris
Value code/Mnemonic: ALLEC
ISIN Code: FR0013335742
Véronique Pochet
Chief Financial Officer +33 (0)2 72 67 00 91
Seitosei ● Actifin Seitosei ● Actifin
Ghislaine Gasparetto Jennifer Jullia
Financial Communication Financial Press Relations +33 (0)1 56 88 11 22 + 33 (0)1 56 88 11 19
ghislaine.gasparetto@seitosei- jennifer.jullia@seitosei-
COGELEC is the French leader in access control systems for building complexes. In 2007, COGELEC created the first global wireless interphone solution, marketed as part of a subscription offer, under the Intratone brand.
Based on an indirect distribution model, combined with very close-knit relations with social landlords and building complex management associations, COGELEC now operates in six countries in Europe and the Intratone brand has more than 2.5 million dwellings subscribed. COGELEC is listed on the Euronext Growth Paris, and is part of the Growth AllShare, Tech Croissance and PEA-PME 150 indices.
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