Covivio - Information on total number of voting rights and share capital

Paris, 1st October 2024

image Information on total number of voting rights and share capital

Article L. 233-8 II of the French Commercial Code - Article 223-16 of the General Regulation of the AMF


Total number of shares in the capital

Total number of voting rights

30 September 2024


Number of theoretical voting  rights: 111,623,468

Number of exercisable voting  rights*: 110,831,385

* 792,083 treasury shares denied the right to vote under Article L. 225-210 of the French Commercial Code  


The Articles of Association of the Company Covivio include in section 8.1 a clause imposing an obligation to declare crossing thresholds in addition to those relating to legal thresholds: In addition to the legal obligation to notify the Company of the holding of certain fractions of the share capital and to make any subsequent statements of intent, any natural person or legal entity, acting alone or in concert, who has come to hold or stopped holding, directly or indirectly, at least one per cent (1%) of the Company’s share capital or voting rights, or any multiple of this percentage, shall notify the Company of such crossing, by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt sent to the registered office within the time period set forth in Article R. 233-1 of the French Commercial Code, and shall also indicate the number of securities he holds ultimately giving access to the share capital, the number of related voting rights as well as all the information referred to in Article L. 233-7 I of the French Commercial Code. Mutual fund management firms must carry out such reporting for the entirety of the shares of the Company held by the funds they manage. 

This reporting obligation applies to all events of crossed thresholds mentioned above, including beyond the statutory and regulatory thresholds. Unless a statement has been made under the conditions set forth above, shares above the fraction which should have been declared shall be deprived of voting rights for any General Meeting held within two (2) years following the date of regularisation of the declaration, at the request, recorded in the minutes of the General Meeting, of one or several shareholders together holding at least one per cent (1%) of the share capital.”



Press Relations

Géraldine Lemoine

Tel: + 33 (0)1 58 97 51 00

Louise-Marie Guinet

Tel: + 33 (0)1 43 26 73 56

Investor Relations

Vladimir Minot

Tel: + 33 (0)1 58 97 51 94







Thanks to its partnering history, its real estate expertise and its European culture, Covivio is inventing today’s user experience and designing tomorrow’s city.

A preferred real estate player at the European level, Covivio is close to its end users, capturing their aspirations, combining work, travel, living, and co-inventing vibrant spaces.

A benchmark in the European real estate market with €23.0 bn in assets, Covivio offers support to companies, hotel brands and territories in their pursuit for attractiveness, transformation and responsible performance.

Build sustainable relationships and well-being, is the Covivio’s Purpose who expresses its role as a responsible real estate operator to all its stakeholders: customers, shareholders and financial partners, internal teams, local authorities but also to future generations and the planet. Furthermore, its living, dynamic approach opens up exciting project and career prospects for its teams.

Covivio’s shares are listed in the Euronext Paris A compartment (FR0000064578 - COV), are admitted to trading on the SRD, and are included in the composition of the MSCI, SBF 120, Euronext IEIF “SIIC France” and CAC Mid100 indices, in the “EPRA” and “GPR 250” benchmark European real estate indices, and in the ESG FTSE4 Good, CAC SBT 1.5°C, DJSI World & Europe, Euronext Vigeo (World 120, Eurozone 120, Europe 120 and France 20), Euronext® CDP Environment France EW, ISS ESG, Ethibel and Gaïa ethical indices and also holds the following awards and ratings: CDP (A), GRESB (90/100, 5-Star, 100% public disclosure), ISS-ESG (B-) and MSCI (AAA).


Notations solicited:

Financial part:               BBB+ / Stable outlook by Standard and Poor’s



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