Implementation of a liquidity contract

September 2, 2024




Implementation of a liquidity contract

Carrefour announces the implementation of a liquidity contract for its ordinary shares (ISIN Code: FR0000120172) with Rothschild Martin Maurel, within the framework of the regulations in force, and in particular AMF Decision no. 2021-01 of 22 June 2021. 

The purpose of this agreement is for Rothschild Martin Maurel to act as a market maker for Carrefour shares on the regulated market of Euronext Paris in order to promote the liquidity of transactions and the regularity of the listing of Carrefour shares. 

To implement this contract, 29,000,000 euros have been allocated to the liquidity account. 

This contract will take effect from September 2, 2024 and has an initial term of 12 months, renewable by tacit agreement for successive periods of 12 months. 

This agreement may be suspended in the cases provided for in article 5 of chapter II of AMF decision no. 202101 of 22 June 2021. It may also be suspended at Carrefour's request for technical reasons, such as the counting of shares carrying voting rights prior to a general meeting or the counting of shares carrying dividend rights prior to detachment of the coupon, for a period defined by Carrefour.

About the Carrefour Group

With a multi-format network of over 14,000 stores in more than 40 countries, the Carrefour Group is one of the world's leading food retailers. Carrefour posted sales of €94.1 billion in 2023. Its integrated store network employs more than 300,000 people who help to make Carrefour the world leader in the food transition for all, by offering quality food every day, accessible everywhere and at a reasonable price. In total, more than 500,000 people work under Carrefour banners worldwide. For more information,, or find us on X (@news_carrefour) and LinkedIn (Carrefour).


Investor Relations

Sébastien Valentin, Anthony Guglielmo, Mathilde Novick

Shareholder Relations  

Group Communications



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