Publication of the 2023 Universal registration document

Press release

                                                                                                          Courbevoie, March 12, 2024 


Publication of the 2023 Universal registration document

Compagnie de Saint-Gobain announces the filing with the French financial markets authority (AMF) on March 12, 2024 of its 2023 Universal registration document under number D. 24-0100 which includes the annual financial report. 

This document may be downloaded and viewed on the Company’s website under Finance/Regulated information ( an on the website of the AMF (

A printed version of the Universal registration document is available upon request at the registered office of the Company: Tour Saint-Gobain, 12, place de l’Iris, 92400 Courbevoie.

The following documents are included in the Universal registration document:

•      the 2023 annual financial report;

•      the Report of the Board of Directors on corporate governance; 

•      the social and environmental information included in the Declaration of NonFinancial Performance;

•      the information on the fees paid to the statutory auditors.

Compagnie de Saint-Gobain

Tour SaintS.A. a-Gobain, 12u capital de , place de l’Iris, 9242 025 752 04800  Courbevoie• 542 039 532 R.C.S Nanterre • Siret 542 039 532 00040 • APE 7010 Z • France • France • Tél. +33 (0)1 88 54 00 00 •                                               

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