Robertet, a family-owned business and manufacturer of fragrances and flavors, and a world leader in natural raw materials, today publishes its sales figures for the first half of 2024.

Consolidated financial statements
(in thousands of euros)
H1 2022 salesH1 2023 salesChange
(H1 2023 vs H1 2022)
H1 2024 salesChange
(H1 2024 vs H1 2023)

* Half-year sales figures are estimates and have not yet been audited.

At June 30, 2024, the change in sales breaks down as follows in terms of organic growth, scope effect and currency effect:

Consolidated financial statements
(in thousands of euros)
H1 2023 salesOrganic growthCurrency effectScope effectTotal changeH1 2024 sales*

* Half-year sales figures are estimates and have not yet been audited.

Sales grew by 10,1% in the first half of 2024, or 7,4% on a constant scope basis. At constant exchange rates, Group sales were up 12,3%.

On a comparable exchange rate and scope basis, organic growth came out at 9,6%.

In the first quarter, sales advanced 10,6% compared with the same period in 2023 (up 11,1% like for like). In the second quarter, sales were up 9,6% compared with the same period in 2023 (up 8,1% like for like).

Robertet's solid first-half 2024 performance was mainly due to good customer momentum, a significant recovery in our Raw Materials division, and the impact of many customers building up their inventories.

All regions underpinned the Group's 9,6% organic growth, while Sonarome, our latest acquisition in India, started the year off strong.

Robertet's long-standing divisions contributed to this growth in the first half of 2024:

  • Raw Materials accounted for 25% of sales, up 14,4% thanks to a slight upturn in aromatherapy and organic products, and solid performances in our mature markets.
  • Fragrances, accounting for 38% of sales, was up by a strong 12,1%, driven by the success of emerging brands and their international expansion.
  • Flavors represented 34% of sales and saw growth of 6,7%, reflecting the good performance of our key categories such as beverages, dairy and health products.
  • Health & Beauty, accounting for 3% of sales, was down by 2,5% as the division continued to roll out its business internationally with high-quality natural active ingredients.

These strong first-half results give us confidence for full-year 2024.

The half-year financial report will be available on September 23, 2024 on our website The first-half results press release will be published on September 12, 2024 at the close of the Board of Directors' meeting and ahead of the earnings call.

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